I hadn't been to Union Station in a couple of years. Today, I decided to go there. I had visions of wandering in and out of shops, including the bookstore, the train shop, all of the little artsy shops.
Well, it didn't quite happen that way. Less than half of the shops were full, and the ones that were left were very sad. There are almost no shops on the top level, and only a couple of food places in the food court.
The train shop and bookstore are gone, as are the little specialty stores. I saw a Body Shop, a Dog Shop, a few Cardinals shops, a couple of St. Louis souvenir shops, and a candy shop. Even the mini-golf seemed to be closed.
Union Station is gorgeous, and stil has some great restaurants - Houlihan's, Hard Rock Cafe, etc. The hotel seems to be thriving as well. It all looks like mud without the shops, though.
Friday, December 26, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Looking for a book club?
Last Monday, I went to the organizational meeting of a great new book club being held at Picasso's Coffee House in Old Town St. Charles. The conversation was stimulating and the people are fabulous. If you're looking for a book club, please drop in!
Meetings are on the third Monday of the month at 7PM. The next meeting is January 19th. For January, we're reading "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut, and for February, it's "The Audacity of Hope," by Barack Obama. Everyone is welcome!
Meetings are on the third Monday of the month at 7PM. The next meeting is January 19th. For January, we're reading "Cat's Cradle" by Kurt Vonnegut, and for February, it's "The Audacity of Hope," by Barack Obama. Everyone is welcome!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Missouri History Museum
We headed on over to the Missouri History Museum today, where they are having a wonderful exhibit honoring George Washington Carver. If you live in St. Louis, you should definitely stop in and see it.
In addition, there's a great Lindbergh exhibit, which doesn't focus on the actual flight as much as the hoopla surrounding Lindbergh once the flight was successful. It was overwhelming!
There was also a small display honoring Anheuser-Busch, which probably should be put in the basement, at least until the layoffs are over. While I understand that it's a part of our area's history, this rough patch should probably be a little more in the past before we're ready to honor it again.
We stepped into Meriwether's Restaurant at the museum for brunch. The food display was practically an exhibit in itself...and we made quite history of it!
All in all, it was a nice few hours in a great St. Louis Museum. It's right on the Metrolink, so it has very easy access for everyone. I highly recommend putting a visit on your calendar very soon!
In addition, there's a great Lindbergh exhibit, which doesn't focus on the actual flight as much as the hoopla surrounding Lindbergh once the flight was successful. It was overwhelming!
There was also a small display honoring Anheuser-Busch, which probably should be put in the basement, at least until the layoffs are over. While I understand that it's a part of our area's history, this rough patch should probably be a little more in the past before we're ready to honor it again.
We stepped into Meriwether's Restaurant at the museum for brunch. The food display was practically an exhibit in itself...and we made quite history of it!
All in all, it was a nice few hours in a great St. Louis Museum. It's right on the Metrolink, so it has very easy access for everyone. I highly recommend putting a visit on your calendar very soon!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Inside the Actors Studio
Watching a marathon of "Inside the Actors Studio" with James Lipton. Guests inlcluded Daniel Radcliffe, Alec Baldwin, Dave Chapelle, and James Lipton (being interviewed himself). What a great show, for everyone - not just actors. If you're a speaker, or even just want to get out and live life to the fullest, there's a lot of great stuff here.
Friday, December 5, 2008
"Hancock" had promise, for the first half. The second half really was slow. Too much sad-Charlize-Theron-face. I didn't really care about their plight, I just wanted to see him save more people!
Monday, December 1, 2008

This photo was shot over Australia, of the gorgeous moon tonight. We can't see it here -- we're under complete cloud cover. You're not only seeing the moon here, but also Jupiter and Venus. Incredible -- well, for those who aren't encumbered by CLOUDS. This won't happen again for 44 years, when I'm too old to go outside and see it. They look close, but are really 500 million miles apart. All of you with clear skies, get out there and look at it!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Phil, our Guardian Gnome
We had some snow overnight, which turned into rain later on today. The rain stomped on the snow, and all that's left are a few icy remnants.
The photo is one that I could get any day of the year, rain or shine. Phil is always sleeping, but provides a reminder to everyone who comes up the front steps what home and family really are.
He came to us after the fire, and he was placed there the day we moved back into our home after six long months away. His name is "Phil" after our contractor, who understood our situation and really took care of us -- leaving our home a much better place than even before he arrived.
With Phil, the contractor, we knew that our house was our home even when we weren't living there. With Phil, the gnome, we are reminded of the same -- even if the girls have moved out and live across the country, they always have a home here.
The photo is one that I could get any day of the year, rain or shine. Phil is always sleeping, but provides a reminder to everyone who comes up the front steps what home and family really are.
He came to us after the fire, and he was placed there the day we moved back into our home after six long months away. His name is "Phil" after our contractor, who understood our situation and really took care of us -- leaving our home a much better place than even before he arrived.
With Phil, the contractor, we knew that our house was our home even when we weren't living there. With Phil, the gnome, we are reminded of the same -- even if the girls have moved out and live across the country, they always have a home here.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Geocaching at Queeny Park
Spent a couple of hours out in Queeny Park today with my husband and some friends, looking for Geocaches. Thanks to a lot of construction, it was more difficult than it would have been under normal circumstances. This was their first time caching, and they seemed to really enjoy it. Anything that's outdoors and requires some thinking is always a winner!
Friday, November 28, 2008
I think the picture covers it all -- what I'm most thankful for is differences -- different people, different personalities, different sunsets, different books, different children, different likes, different dislikes -- a whole colorful jar of markers with which to draw the world.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of my friends out in Internet-Land. We had a wonderful dinner -- husband and dog are sleeping it off!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Riding the 'link
Every day, I ride the Metrolink to work. I get a lot of reading done, but the best part is all of the people I see every day...all kinds of people. All ages, walks of life, occupations, types of dress, you name it...they're on the 'link.
I ride from Hanley to Union Station and back, which takes about 20 minutes. If you see me, say "hey!"
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Meeting Michael Apted
On Sunday, November 23rd, director Michael Apted appeared at the Tivoli Theater in University City to accept a lifetime achievement award for his documentaries. There was a great interview, and then a Q&A session, in which I participated. There was also a showing of "The Power of the Game," Apted's new soccer documenatry. Afterwards, I was able to talk to him in the lobby a little bit.
If you're not familiar with Michael Apted, I suggest you check out the "Up" series, starting with "7 Up," then "!4 Up," "21 Up" and so on, until "49 Up." Apted interviews a group of children when they are 7 years old, then every seven years afterwards. The kids are fairly ordinary, but have very interesting outlooks on life which some of them change (and some do not) over the years. I highly recommend them!
If you're not familiar with Michael Apted, I suggest you check out the "Up" series, starting with "7 Up," then "!4 Up," "21 Up" and so on, until "49 Up." Apted interviews a group of children when they are 7 years old, then every seven years afterwards. The kids are fairly ordinary, but have very interesting outlooks on life which some of them change (and some do not) over the years. I highly recommend them!
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Always a Bowling Pin, Never a Bridesmaid
This photos is from my sister's "retro" wedding at Concord Bowl. This is me (the bowling pin), with my nieces Sophie and Megan.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
New Job, New Start
I haven't posted in a few weeks...the company for which I work was bought out. The contractor conversion spots were cancelled and I only have 6 months on my contract. So, I just went out and found a new job, which I start on August 19th.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Paper or plastic?
Neither, of course! Why? According to Enviroliteracy, "to assess the comparative environmental impacts of each material is not a simple matter; it requires consideration of the inputs of matter and energy throughout each stage of the life cycle of each product."
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
The Best Plates, Ever
Verterra makes plates and bowls completely from fallen leaves and water. No kidding! They are compostable, reusable, microwaveable. Check them out!
Monday, June 16, 2008
International Day of the African Child
June 16th is the International Day of the African Child. In 1976 in Soweto, South Africa, thousands of African school children took to the streets in a march to protest the inferior quality of their education. Hundreds of young boys and girls were shot down. To honor the memory of those killed and the courage of all the children who marched, the Day of the African Child has been celebrated on June 16th every year since 1991.
In honor of this day, head over to Global Girlfriend and give a one-time donation to provide school uniforms for girls in rural Africa ($25), send an AIDS orphan to school in Zambia ($20). or providing school meals for African children ($20). You can even give $36 to the WhizzKids HIV Prevention Soccer Camp for African Kids.
In honor of this day, head over to Global Girlfriend and give a one-time donation to provide school uniforms for girls in rural Africa ($25), send an AIDS orphan to school in Zambia ($20). or providing school meals for African children ($20). You can even give $36 to the WhizzKids HIV Prevention Soccer Camp for African Kids.
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
How does the Iowa Stored Energy Park (ISEP) Work?
The Iowa Stored Energy Park is a fantastic idea from the Hawkeye State where wind is plentiful. So plentiful, in fact, they are building a wind power generator to power municipal utility companies all over the state. Cool!
Monday, June 9, 2008
The actual compost starter
Yard and garden clippings, and some wood chips from some stumps we had ground up last year. The wood chips have been over the garden all winter, so it might be half compost already!
My New Composter
This is a 90-gallon Feelgood composter that I ordered from HomeDepot.com. It was very easy to assemble, and not to bad to get started. We'll see what happens!
Friday, June 6, 2008
Reusable Bags
Try these great biodegradable compostable plastic bags. Sandwich sized and trash can sized. I'm sure this is the wave of the future. You can get them at ReusableBags.com
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Think Outside the Bottle
Up to 40% of bottled water comes from the same source as tap water, but is sold back to consumers at hundreds of times the cost. Producing bottles to meet Americans’ demand for bottled water required more than 17 million barrels of oil last year – enough fuel for more than 1 million U.S. cars for a year - and generated more than 2.5 million tons of carbon dioxide.
Take the pledge to give up bottled water at ThinkOutsidetheBottle.org.
Take the pledge to give up bottled water at ThinkOutsidetheBottle.org.
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Is my blog too long?
Adocu, the new one-word blog, just opened today. I am proud to be a charter member! Use it to update your status quickly, or to put one-word (hyphens are allowed!) thoughts into the minds of (eventually) millions! Here's my page...check it out:
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
"Final Salute"
The eMail Our Military blog, is giving away a copy of Jim Sheeler's "Final Salute: A Story of Unfinished Lives."
This book is about the servicemen and women who notify loved ones of a soldier's death. They have a unique look at every family's worst nightmare. Jim Sheeler spent two years working with Major Steve Beck, a marine in charge of casualty notification.
To enter to win a copy, head over to eMail Our Military.
In fact, visit the blog even if you don't want to enter the drawing, just to learn more about how you can touch a soldier's life with one email.
This book is about the servicemen and women who notify loved ones of a soldier's death. They have a unique look at every family's worst nightmare. Jim Sheeler spent two years working with Major Steve Beck, a marine in charge of casualty notification.
To enter to win a copy, head over to eMail Our Military.
In fact, visit the blog even if you don't want to enter the drawing, just to learn more about how you can touch a soldier's life with one email.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Get better gas mileage without getting a new car, or buying anything...become a hypermiler! Hypermilers try to get the best gas mileage possible out of the car they have by adopting new and better driving habits. Get 100 tips on better driving,
Friday, May 23, 2008
Covenant House
I've been donating to the Covenant House of St. Louis for many years, since I saw their story on local television. They serve teenagers and young adults who are too old for the foster care system and too young for adult missions. The goal is to make them self-sufficient, so they won't need to use adult mission services, and can function as independent adults.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Friday, May 16, 2008
Endangered Species Day
May 16th, Endangered Species Day is a day to celebrate Endagered Species successes!
Who Doesn't Love Sea Turtles?
Today's link is tothe Caribbean Conservation Corporation and Sea Turtle Survivor League: http://www.cccturtle.org/.
Read all about sea turtles and the attempt to conserve their habitat. Adopt a sea turtle, or just follow one as it jets around the Caribbean. You can even volunteer to help out in the research of sea turtles.
Read all about sea turtles and the attempt to conserve their habitat. Adopt a sea turtle, or just follow one as it jets around the Caribbean. You can even volunteer to help out in the research of sea turtles.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Impact Your World
On May 12, a devastating 7.9 magnitude earthquake rocked the mountainous regions of South Asia. As I write this, the casualty figure is hovering around 9,000, with about 18,000 still missing.
In Myanmar, over 30,000 people were killed this month when a cyclone hit the region.
Where there is need in the world, World Vision is there. Please visit their web site and read about their works and, if you feel moved, give of what you are lucky enough to have to help others.
In Myanmar, over 30,000 people were killed this month when a cyclone hit the region.
Where there is need in the world, World Vision is there. Please visit their web site and read about their works and, if you feel moved, give of what you are lucky enough to have to help others.
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Monday, May 5, 2008
Lake Victoria Disability Centre
The Lake Victoria Disability Centre was formed as a vocational training centre with the primary objective of improving access to social, economic and educational opportunities for disabled youths in the Mara region of Tanzania. One in 10 people in Tanzania are disabled – 3,456,900 people suffer from a physical, mental, hearing or visual impairment.
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Global Girlfriend
Their tagline is: "Women-made. Eco-friendly. Fair Trade." What more could you ask for in a gift?
They offer organic apparel, jewelry, bath and body, paper, handbags - you name it!
You can even make a donation that will go to shoes for schoolgirls in Africa, dolls for refugee children, saving monarch habitats, and books for children in Nepal...75 charities in all! Donations can also be given as gifts.
Please peruse Global Girlfriend, and bookmark it...the holidays are coming up fast!
They offer organic apparel, jewelry, bath and body, paper, handbags - you name it!
You can even make a donation that will go to shoes for schoolgirls in Africa, dolls for refugee children, saving monarch habitats, and books for children in Nepal...75 charities in all! Donations can also be given as gifts.
Please peruse Global Girlfriend, and bookmark it...the holidays are coming up fast!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Exxon Valdez -- Still a Mess
Did you know that tons of volunteers are still cleaning up the Exxon Valdex oil spill nine years after the fact? Exxon Valdez Spill Trustee Council is still very hard at work.
Here's a photo of current research efforts on mussels, which shows the amount of oil that's left!
Here's a photo of current research efforts on mussels, which shows the amount of oil that's left!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
A Divine Site
I found this site yesterday: Divine Caroline. The writing and design is above average, and you can write your own articles and reviews. If you're a creative woman, you can find a lot to read and do here.
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Make a Loan, Save a Life
I have been involved in Kiva for almost a year. I heard about it on NPR, endorsed by President Bill Clinton. Basically, you make a $25 loan to someone in an impoverished nation, and they use it to help build a business. You pool your loan with others around the world to help people help themselves. Check it out:
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Meds and Food for Kids
I had a great conversation with a friend who is on the board of Meds and Food for Kids , a not-for-profit organization that feeds starving children in Haiti. Through a special food product that they developed, they help keep 120 children a month from certain death. They also provide dietary education for mothers, and provide some jobs for local workers. What impressed me the most is that all of their adminstrative workers are volunteers, so 100% (that's right, 100%) of your donations go directly to the operation in Haiti. Check out the web page and, if you're moved, make a donation.
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