Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Meat You Eat

Can you say passionate?
Originally uploaded by greenzabiha
About a month ago, my husband and I read "The Omnivore's Dilemma," by Michael Pollan. A big part of the book focused on Joel Salatin, owner of Polyface Farms, a holistic farm that raises no-antibiotic, grass-fed, free-range beef, pork, chicken, and eggs.

Last night, we were fortunate enough to be able to see Salatin speak at Webster University in St. Louis. His methods are not only fascinating, they're very scientific. Instead of using his brain to create more modern machinery to produce larger and more profitable animals, he uses his extensive knowledge of biology to create a sustainable method of rotating animals across his large farm in a way where they support each other.

We met some great people while we were there, including a family from Kansas City whose 14-year-old has decided to become a farmer, and talked his parents into getting a flock of chickens, which he raises Joel's way. His hopes are to try a cow next - but his mom said that their suburban yard is too small, "We'd have to move!"

If you're in the St. Louis Area and want to dip into the sustainable, grass fed, non-antibiotic, grass-fed pool, definitely get out to Benne's farm in St. Charles. Ron Benne has been featured in Sauce Magazine twice, as the "Pillar of Sustainability."

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