Sunday, April 5, 2009

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (review)

Originally uploaded by Walwyn
This afternoon, we went to see "Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde" at the Repertory Theater of St. Louis.

The star of the show was definitely the set design. It was a beautiful two story set with stairs coming down both sides, and intense red lights which added quite a bit to the story, almost as if it was another actor. For instance, during one of the murder scenes, when the body fell to the floor, the red lights represented the blood spreading across the stage, which looked very modern and realistic.

Another very different method that was used was to have Mr. Hyde played by all of the supporting actors. This is very hard to describe, but it was extremely effective. It showed not only the unattainable nature of the posession by Mr. Hyde, it gave the character so many other facets than just one actor can provide.

The best actor of the day, in my opinion, was Scott Schafer. He went from role to role to role, and I wouldn't have even known it except for the fact that I read in the program that he played five main roles...not minor roles, not small roles...main roles. I would love to meet him in person, because I'm sure he wouldn't look at all like any of the characters he played. He was definitely the highlight of the cast.

All in all, this was an excellent play and well-deserving of presentation at the Rep. It still has another weekend, so if you have time to get out there, I highly suggest it.

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